Risen Christ Lutheran School has been chosen as a recipient of the Purple Star Award for our outstanding commitment to serving military students and families!
View our award letter here:

Risen Christ Lutheran School Welcomes Military Families!
Risen Christ Lutheran School is dedicated to providing resources and support to military-connected students and their families. The Risen Christ point of contact, Principal Rebecca Reid, serves as the primary liaison for military-connected students seeking enrollment as well as for military-connected students currently enrolled at Risen Christ. Principal Reid has completed professional development on special considerations for military students and families under federal law. Risen Christ provides professional development for teachers and support staff detailing special considerations military families and students should receive.
If you have questions, please contact Ms. Reid at breid@risenchristschool.com
Children in military families move more frequently than their civilian peers. In addition to their mobility, these children may be faced with multiple deployments of one or more parents or family members. At Risen Christ, we understand the importance of providing opportunities for military-connected school families, educators and administrators to understand and discuss the challenges our students face. Our goal is to partner with families to provide a high quality education and superior care for our students within a loving, Christ-centered environment.
Resources for military families:
Military Education Guide: https://thebestschools.org/resources/military-education/
GI Bill Guide: https://thebestschools.org/magazine/gi-bill-educational-benefits/
Scholarship Guide: ihttps://thebestschools.org/financial-aid/military-scholarships/
Support for Military Families www.militaryonesource.mil
Military Child Education Coalition www.militarychild.org
Providing Support to Our Military Families: http://download.militaryonesource.mil/12038/MOS/ResourceGuides/Primer_for_Civilian_Nonprofit_Organizations.pdf
Toolkit: Supporting the Military Child www.aasa.org/MilitaryChild.aspx
Strong Bonds www.strongbonds.org
Strong Bonds is a unit-based, chaplain-led program which assists commanders in building individual resiliency by strengthening the Army Family.
Our Military Kids http://ourmilitarykids.org
Provides tangible support to children of deployed National Guard and Reserve personnel as well as to children of severely injured service members through grants for enrichment activities and tutoring.
National Military Family Association www.militaryfamily.org