Our purpose

  • Risen Christ Lutheran School is an integral part of the total ministry of Risen Christ Lutheran Church of Springfield, which is a member congregation of the Lutheran Church- Missouri Synod.  The School, when used in this document, is defined as Preschool, ages 3 to 5; all day kindergarten; and grades 1 through 6.
  • The purpose of this school is to assist and support parents in their God-given vocation of raising children in the nurture and discipline of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4).  Children are gifts from God.  Christian parents’ desire that their children grow up knowing and believing in their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and that they learn to live as faithful, responsible, God-fearing citizens in the world in which God has placed them.
  • It is the goal of Risen Christ Lutheran School to do all it can in the fields of education and Lutheran catechesis to assist parents in their God-given calling of academic development and spiritual growth.  Our School strives to develop the whole child which includes physical and mental development, creative play, creative thinking and socialization, while stressing excellence in the basic fundamentals of elementary education, language arts, mathematics, history, science and the fine arts.
  • We are committed to the Christian faith as taught in the Word of God and confessed in the historic Confessions of the Lutheran Church.  Parents who desire a strong partner in the vocation will find an important ally in Risen Christ Lutheran School and Church.


We support the belief that children are the precious gift from GOD. Our mission is to provide, together with families, a high quality education for the whole child within a loving, Christ-centered environment.


The vision and goal of Risen Christ Lutheran School is that each student will possess a life-long love of learning, a deep love for God and a habit of prayer, a strong sense of responsibility and integrity, a respect for inherent value of every person, a curious mind open to new ideas and a love and respect for life.


Children are precious gifts from God and each is created with unique gifts and abilities. The whole child — spiritual, emotional, social, physical, and academic — is the responsibility of educators and parents.
Above all, Christian parents and teachers desire that children grow up knowing and believing in the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and that they learn to live as faithful, responsible, God-fearing citizens in the world in which God has placed them.
Children mature emotionally and socially through the support and guidance of Christian teachers and parents. Learning to interact with others in a positive, constructive manner is developed through carefully designed learning environments and adult-child interactions that foster responsibility and respect for self and others.
Physical development is supported within both small and large motor opportunities. A variety of developmentally appropriate activities will provide both enthusiasm and involvement.
Academic excellence in all areas as language arts, mathematics, history, health, science, and the fine arts is a goal for each child. Academics are the second highest priority; Christian faith being the first.
Finally, the partnership between school and family is vital for the development of the whole child. Families are equal partners, rather than merely the “receivers” of school information.

Risen Christ Lutheran School non-discrimination policy

Risen Christ Lutheran School recruits and admits students of any race, color or ethnic origin to all its rights, privileges, programs and activities. In addition, the school will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, or ethnic origin the administration of its educational programs and athletics/extracurricular activities.